Author: <span>Christy</span>

Sitting in an Artist Alley is pretty different from being in the dealer’s hall.  You have much less space to work with and you’re working (sometimes literally) shoulder to shoulder and back to back with your fellow artists.  There’s often few to no barriers between the artists beyond what your display can bring. There are many, many advantages to being friendly and open with your fellow artists.  Being a good neighbor helps foster a positive attitude in the alley.  Happy artists mean happy attendees and happy attendees are more likely to stop, browse and make purchases.  Additionally, when in the…


We started convention season off strong at Karoshi Con in DeKalb, IL at NIU. Karoshi is always a fun con because it’s low cost and low stress. The attendees are friendly and nobody has EVER been a jerk at Karoshi. This is the only convention we can say that of. Things ran mostly smooth, so kudos to the new staff. They kinda forgot to announce us on the vendor’s list but we got that straightened out quick. We and our local comic friends comprised about 3/4 of the vendors, which made the atmosphere extra fun. This became especially apparent when we…


Anime Central 2012 Con Report Kumate Works studio joined Anime Central for its 15 year anniversary this last weekend.  The weekend went by really fast, we don’t remember most of it, but we’ll do our best to relay the highlights. Set up was Thursday night and went very smooth.  Shout out to IRT for being so kind and courteous for making sure we could come and go as necessary since badges weren’t ready yet.  We didn’t get to sit next to Darrick Chen and Panda Rage, but we were back to back.  Shout out to him and his new book,…
