Last week leading up to the convention was, to put it mildly, a week, but it felt good to finally return to Anime Central, despite some last-minute drama surrounding the COVID protocols at the convention. To summarize, the staffing shortage and issues that are affecting all other areas have also affected Anime Central, and attempts to supplement with outside contractors did not go so well. However, we will give out a shout to the congoers that mask compliance appeared to be around 80-90% at any given time, so good job. We also noted that because the vaccine check was rescinded…
Tag: <span>Conventions</span>
10th Anniversary Glasses Available at Animecentral 2017! The first piece of anniversary merchandise are these 12 0z. glasses etched with the sign of “The Drunken Unicorn,” Catarina’s tavern in The Apprentice. The reverse has the 10th Anniversary logo. These are very nice, sturdy glasses, dishwasher safe, with a lifetime guarantee on the imprint. This will be the only run of the anniversary design-any future glasses will have a different design, so be sure to pick it up, loyal readers! More new things coming Monday! In other news, The Apprentice, Volume 2 is back in stock. We used the reprint as an opportunity to…
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