Tag: <span>Bad Movie Reviews</span>

Fortune's Passage Issue #3 Pg. 1
Fortune's Passage Issue #3 Pg. 1

As promised, here’s an update, with a bonus bad movie review!  The above image is the first page of Fortune’s Passage Issue 3, which we should be releasing in the next year. FINALLY.


We were very productive today, with a layout for the Apprentice collected volume cover, another page of tones, lots of cleanup, book layout and one new illustration for the Apprentice nearly done.  This illustration will probably end up as a poster, it’s snazzy.

Bad Movie Review – The Nightmare Castle


Laser Hawk

Starring Mark Hamill, the slightly growed-up kid from Free Willy and some other guys.  Except that Mark Hamill only got about 30 minutes of screen time.  We think they just wanted to make this movie seem more like Star Wars, but could only afford so much of Mark Hamill.  The budget ran out, so they killed him off.  However, we are getting ahead of ourselves.
