Author: <span>Alysia</span>

Over the last year, we’ve spent a lot of time figuring out how to get more things done.  For the last few years, we’ve had to accept that we can’t work the way we did in our early twenties.  Back then, it wasn’t an issue to work a full time job and stay up until 3am drawing or writing.  That isn’t working anymore, and it’s been tricky figuring out how to keep up a reasonable level of productivity while staying on top of our other priorities like health, day jobs and relationships. I’ll go over a few things that have…

Tips & Tricks

The last trick is the simplest, but it’s really the key to de-stressing your convention prep, and allowing you to take advantage of sudden opportunities. 5. Never unpack your con gear. It’s just that simple.  When you do your final test display at home, pack everything up (remember, reverse order, so that the last thing packed is the first thing on the table) and put it away somewhere safe, all together. If you’ve made a checklist, go through it and make sure everything is there. (This is where duplicate supplies come in handy-you won’t be pulling sharpies out of the…

Blog Tips & Tricks

4. Buy duplicates of all necessary supplies and keep them with you if possible. Organize your inventory to be accessible, easily transportable and safe. It’s easy to be stymied by losing or breaking a necessary tool at an event, where replacements may be unavailable or expensive.  The solution is pretty simple.  Have backups stored with your con gear.  You will never regret having 2 pairs of scissors. If you use markers for commissions, for example, track which colors you use the most and have duplicates ready. If you use pencils, carry a sharpener and a few extras.  Obviously, your ability to stock…

Blog Tips & Tricks