Wheee, pictures! More to come on the Facebook page.
This was our 13th year at Animecentral. We were actually well prepared this year, with everything finished by Monday. We debuted issue seven of The Apprentice (illustrated by Jim Nelson) and a new stock of elemental design silk Bags of Infinite Possibility.
We also had a brand-new backdrop display with new banners and table cover, as well as new signage.
Set up on Thursday went smoothly and we even had time to feed our friendly DH Phil after somebody stole his sandwich and cookies. Having accomplished our good deed for the day, we split up for the evening to various amusements.
Alysia ran off to play with con staff, Bon went to watch Star Trek and Christy sat alone in the hotel room.
Melinda worked and wasn’t there.
Friday morning, bright and early, we got up, had breakfast and headed to the Artist Alley.
Artist Alley Friday Quests included:
1) Acquire con badges for Christy and Melinda-completed by Christy
2) Acquire key for cashbox-completed by Bon
Sales were very good on Friday and felt more like Saturday. Time also dragged into infinity. We suspect some con-goer acquired a time bending device for stretching out the con longer. More time appeared to pass than could actually accounted for. Eventually it came time to close down the artist alley, with thanks to all our lovely customers.
From there, Bon closed up shop, while Christy and Alysia headed off to do the Starving Artist Panel. We had over a dozen rotating attendees who were gracious enough to truly starve during the Starving Artist Panel, as we were scheduled during dinner time. We were vaguely horrified to realize that we were old enough to be the parents or at least babysitters of everyone in the room. We attempted to impart wisdom on working in groups without killing each other. We also gave tips and answered questions on the general business of being in Artist Alley.
After parting ways with the panel attendees we returned to the embassy for a tasty meal in the hotel bar. Filet mignon and crabcake sliders for the win! Alysia returned to her Fortress of Solitude and Christy retired to the hotel room.
Saturday we were joined for breakfast by Melinda and Jim-yea, our third musketeer hath arrived. Then we trundled off to Artist Alley for another day of selling stuff. Due to lack of seating, we took turns tagging each other in and out and roaming the con.
At about 11 AM Alysia’s major quest began:
Rescue her Mom and brother Joel from the Twilight Zone. Did you know there are TWO intersections of Bryn Mawr and River Road in Rosemont? We do now.
After talking Mom through the area for an hour and a half Alysia skipped off to the MAPS meeting. There was a 10 minute period when she thought nobody was going to come and she could declare herself Queen. Then everyone else showed up and the public board meeting proceeded as normal.
In the meantime, Mom and Joel arrived. Mom was able to get her badge and left Joel outside the dealers hall to search for Alysia. Christy found him, rescued him from standing there like a mook and sent him to the reg line, where he remained for the next four hours.
Since we thought he had completed his registration in a timely manner and was just pouting, Alysia completed her quest of “find Mom” and took her on a tour of the alley. Alysia informed her mother that these were all her illegitimate grandchildren as she had dedicated herself to being a giant nerd instead of having kids-which pleased her mother once she established that she would not have to purchase birthday presents for all of them.
Once they headed back to the registration area to meet some staff, they found Joel still in line and decided it was time to take the poor man home. Now he knows to say YES when he’s asked if he wants a comp badge.
Back at the table, Christy and Melinda sold books and watch people agonize over the last of the Fire bags. We had a nice share of repeat readers come by and new customers took a chance on our books. The back issue sale helped. Once we closed up shop on Saturday, we met with Jim and had a nice outdoor dinner at a nearby restaurant which we’re not going to name so it doesn’t get full of people. Sorry guys! After dinner, Melinda went home to die while Alysia and Christy went to see the new Lupin TV series and hang with staff in secret locations.
Sunday morning, our group grew larger with the additions of Darrick, Steph, Grant and company for breakfast. Then off to the final day of the con. Again, we played tag all day and did our shopping. Christy almost bought a wookie hoodie for Matt. Alysia spent too much money on comic books. We sold out of Fire bags and made some small sales. The last hour had us selling many back issues to people looking for something to read on the ride home.
All in all, good sales, good con, good time. Shout outs to: Darrick, Stephanie and all the Panda Rage crew; our repeat readers (Elaina-we missed you this year!) Squirrel Creek Creations and Pearson and his caffeinated treats. Thanks to Jim for being a good companion and playing chauffeur.
Till next time,
Kumate Works
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