We spent the weekend at Ramencon in northwest Indiana. We shared a table with Jim and had a great time. The congoers were very friendly and sales were good. It was fun to talk to the attendees-everyone was so positive, especially the drunk guy.
We introduced a new item-silk drawstring bags featuring a new series of images based on the elements. We sold out of the Fire bags, and have very low stocks of the others. As soon as we get new silk in, we will make them available on the website.
We got to see many of our friends at this con. Darrick Chen was selling Onward Bound in the Artist Alley, and Lemonbrat was down the way. Nick and Molly from Rubber Punk Produktions were also in the dealer’s hall with us, and we finally managed to have dinner.
Unfortunately Min was sick-Boo! Yay for Jim’s convention efforts.
Honestly, everything went so well that we don’t have a lot to report. We plan on returning next year and are looking forward to Anime Central next.
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