Category: <span>Blog</span>

The cover painting for Volume 2 is finished! This was the biggest project to complete to prepare the second volume, so it should be ready soon.  After the processing is done for this image, we should have a more solid release date.  We will be running a sale on the Volume 1 ebook next week, so if you haven’t purchased it yet, that would be the time to get caught up with the story for the next volume. (It would also make a great present for someone else. 😉 ) Happy Thanksgiving!

Blog Comics & Stories The Apprentice

We spent this year’s vacation at Niagara Falls, New York. Completely touristy destination, but neither of us had ever been.  We had a lot of fun, and went to some interesting places aside from the falls, including the Herschell Carrousel Museum and the Erie Canal. I was able to get in a little bit of sketching, made more interesting by having to work around crowds. Even in the off-season, everywhere was pretty busy. It’s tricky to find  a good viewpoint that isn’t constantly blocked by people. It’s also quite difficult to draw in public without attracting attention. I don’t necessarily mind the…


You can now download the first four Apprentice stories as a collected volume at Smashwords.  We chose Smashwords because they allow downloads in every major e-book format, and you can re-download in different formats if you need to. This release includes all of the illustrations and supplemental material in the print book. The only significant difference is the lack of attractive text formatting (drop caps and such don’t transfer well to all ebook formats, so they were omitted). The physical book is still the prettiest, it wants you to know. We will be at Ramencon in Merrilville, Indiana this weekend, and if you…

Blog Comics & Stories Store The Apprentice